Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Feelings about the lawsuit against McDonalds?

I'm just curious if anyone on the internet is in support of the woman who is suing McDonalds over her belief that the toys they provide in Happy Meals are hurting her family ("Getting between me and my children"). Anyone find this argument to have any merit?Feelings about the lawsuit against McDonalds?
Stupid and she should have to pay ALL legal cost after she looses.
I think The McDonalds Attorneys could make short work of her By having only a few of the families they helped through the Ronald McDonald House testify on their behalf. They help not harm. McDonald's has no business future in hurting families or children, as it would hurt their consumer base. She's an Idiot looking to make a buck.Feelings about the lawsuit against McDonalds?
If she's so mad about it why doesn't she just take the toys away? Or just stop going there all together. Well I'm glad she's actually suing them. They had it coming. Beating chickens, cutting their heads off to write graffiti on the wall using the poor chicken's blood, and squeezing them spraying feces onto the other chickens is so unnecessary. Hope I helped!
She should not be forced to buy McDonald's toys. She should be given a map to the nearest Jack in the Box where they don't sell happy meals. Problem solved.

Just goes to show in this country anyone can sue anybody for anything!

It's a frivolous lawsuit and will be tossed out.
That is a very dumb argument to be honest
I think its very silly to be honest

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