Friday, February 24, 2012

Will Govt Going After McDonalds To Remove Toys From Happy Meals Make Kids Skinny?

This is good one! Now the govt wants to take the toys from children, and say the parents need help on this one! WOW! Whats next? Bringing us our grocery's?

If my kids want to eat a BIG MAC or some Processed CHICKEN- IT IS THERE RIGHT! If people want to be FAT its their CHOICE! Most the people in our CONGRESS ARE FAT FAT FATTIES! Why don't they start working on their own problem!Will Govt Going After McDonalds To Remove Toys From Happy Meals Make Kids Skinny?
Has anyone seen Barney Frank lately? Chubba-dubba.
Wow....someone wasn't hugged enough as a child.....Will Govt Going After McDonalds To Remove Toys From Happy Meals Make Kids Skinny?
Obviously this is ridiculous

but I'd like to throw out there that when I was kid, it was all about the chicken nuggets, not the cheap plastic trendy movie tie-in that I would lose on the car ride home.
The toy is not the problem, the food choice is. Been a while since I bought a kids meal, but don't they offer a healthy food choice with their kids meal, with fruit and milk etc.
ill be honest with you, fat people are the only ones whom i am not tolerant to
It's about freedom. How can the government tell your private business what you can and can not sell. If the product is a legal item and they are telling your establishment that you cant offer it. That is communism. 2012 OBOMA for Dictator!

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