if mcdonalds offered toothpaste and toothbrush with kids meal, would you take your kids there? I think fast food companys should do more to promote tooth decay, as they are selling junk food, and soda. What is your opinion?If mcdonalds offered toothpaste instead of a toy for your child would you go there?
that would be kool
Yeeech. I haven't eaten McDonald's in over ten years and I never will again.If mcdonalds offered toothpaste instead of a toy for your child would you go there?
I think that you have a great idea. You should also patent that idea. Personally, I wouldn't go into a Mc Donald's in a fit, and neither have I in years, But it's a far better idea than gettin them in with just toys. If the kids get a toothbrush as well as a toy, they (might) associate eating with brushing your teeth (an idea that most adults don't seem to have grasped!)
That would be a start! Good idea.
I always end up throwing away the pos toy anyway this way it is something that they could use.
Yes because after the kids would be finished with their food they might end up getting into the habit of constantly brushing there teeth daily...other then having them get a plastic toy that goes into the garbage anyway.
~~~Hey,,,thats a good idea,,,they could have tooth brushes that look like Ronald McDonald,,,,the Hamburgler ,,,,,Mayor McCheese,,,,and if they had the toothpaste that tasted like the McDonnals milkshake~~~
As an adult...perhaps the tooth paste/tooth brush angle is good. But lets be real, what kid wants that?
If you as a parent are really concerned about tooth decay or general good nutrition, just don't take them to McDonalds. There are other options.
Are a dental hygienist or something?
I go there because it has yummy food and play space. It is usually a treat - everything in moderation. So, the toy doesn't really matter to me. Most times I end up throwing them away.
We only go to Mcdonalds for the toys...and the playplace.
My kids love toothbrushes, but they don't want new ones all the time.
Mcdonalds doesn't promote tooth decay.
I don't see why not. Kids love McDonalds. Sounds like a good idea to me.
I do now so why not but I bet the kids would be unhappy
Yes I would- we go for the playground and hot single moms!!!!
Well they could have a toy like say Spongebob and he has a toothbrush for his teeth and that toy is really cool and a toothbrush that's the same as Spongebobs, so you can say look Spongebob is brushing his teeth, are you going to brush yours, but then when the kid turns 6 they won't be persuaded that way, I think parents should take responsibility and not give their kids McDonalds too often and when they say no they shouldn't give up after the third no, they should say it and mean it, even if it causes a paddy, let the kid have it's paddy so they know that no means no.
McDonalds is McDonalds. But if they didn't give away toys in a happy meal the kids would be real unhappy. That's one of the pros to going to McDonalds for kids
Fast-food companies should promote tooth decay? You don't mean that, surely?
I don't think it matters whether they give toothbrushes; the big health risk from McDonald's food is obesity--excess FAT--not tooth decay.
How about a cholesterol screening?
yes thats good for your child
We had a dentist down the street who always gave out toothpaste and toothbrushes at Halloween, I thought it was awesome. That would be a good idea at Mcdonalds.
yes because food is food!
No, but I might buy the happy meal for me instead.
I don't go to McDonalds because of the poor service that seems to be in every one of their stores.
yea, but I'd make him eat all his fries first
I think if you choose to eat at McDonalds you could give a rats azz about tooth decay.
heck no, u wanna piss of little kid, cause he got a fricken toothbrush, man i think what evre makes a kid happy do it, kidsw would be gatting new toothbrushes every week and that would be lame, because they would probably hand out the same toothbrush every week
fast food doesn't promote tooth decay, it promotes eating junky, not so very healthy stuff. Its sugar that does that, and not brushin your teeth. Maybe icecream stores should sell toothbrushes. McDonalds should come up with its won diet plan, then people would go there.
Only if we show the same enthusiasm. I think we have unintentionally done this ourselves by taking the kids to McDonald's from an early age.
No. It would just put the pressure on Dentist to compete by offering a "happy meal" with each appointment.
I don't care what McDonald's offers, I think their food tastes like cardboard! I cringe every time I had to take my son there!
yea i would take them there because they still want mcdonalds regardless of tha toy
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