McDonalds are the like often (about once a month) change the toys they give away with meals. What happens to the unused toys? Are they given to employees? Charities? Sold overseas? Is there a process by which a non-profit can request the used toys? Thanks!What happens to unused/ungiven happy meal toys?
Regardless of what's SUPPOSED to happen to them, they always fell victim to crew boredom at the one I worked at. The only ones the managers ever gave us crap about was the beanie babies. But personally those were my favorite to mess with LOL H8 those ugly things...
Any left over toys are donated to the Ronald McDonal House Charity for children in needWhat happens to unused/ungiven happy meal toys?
they don't end up with unused toys. They continue giving out the old toys until they are gone, then they switch to the new toys.
As far as I know, all the special campaigns they run for movie tie-ins will run until all the toys are gone - even if it's after the campaign is "officially" over. Then they have some generic promotions they run in between and I think they basically just warehouse those toys while they are running a major campaign.
Each McD's orders only the toys that they feel they are going to use. If there are any left it is a use until gone policy.
If a not for profit agency wants any they only need to talk to the store manager and it is his or her decision as to weather to donate said toys.
P.S. they are made overseas
boy,alot of rude answers
At the store I use to work at we use to keep them, just in case we ran out of stock. 'O I wish they're given to the I'm sarcastic there. We had to buy the toys ourselves or steal I'm not sure about charities or overseas either.
We used to donate them to Goodwill Industries %26amp; Salvation Army, but then Hurricane Katrina hit Mississippi %26amp; we moved to Texas.
the employees take them home. i know a lot of friends and family members who all worked for different mcd's stores some even in management and they take them home and give them to their kids and grand kids
I am not totally sure, but I bet they go back to the company they got them from. I do know that all of the ones in my house get thrown away after the kids are in bed- not once have they noticed!
They are taken back by the m+m co.,
or kept in case another toy runs out of stock.
As far as non-profit use, it would be up to the franchise owner to donate them.
They end up in my living room.
I would think they get recycled for the next toy.
The Hamburgler robs them with some help on the inside from Grimace. They sell them on the black market in Bangldesh.
They are kept just in case another toy runs out
I used to work at Burger King when I was 16. With the old toys, we sent them to head office to do as they please.....other than that, I'm not entirely sure what they do. Knowing these monstro wasteful companies, they probably toss them.
So I would do and speak to the manager of a store and see if you can have them donated. McDonalds is all about Childrens Charity.
I don't know but it would be nice to give them to shelters or something
I'm working at a McDonald's right now while I'm going to college.
The only place I've ever seen us put our left over toys (and they're aren't many) is up on a shelf. Seriously, we've still got a box of American Idol guitar toys sitting in the back, lol!
they come to life and live on a comune in arizona
have you tried on of those McRibbs? I think this answers your question.
I dont really no about McDonalds but when i worked at Taco Bell we had to contniue giving the old toys until they ran out and then we gave the new ones.
They go to the land of the misfit toys.
they give them away
They are given to charities
They are melted down and used to bind chicken nuggets together.
They end up on ebay!
they go back to the mcdonalds company to sell or do whatever with them or they give each mcdonalds like a certain number and when all those toys have run out in mcdonalds they send them the new ones they change every 3 to 5 weeks my friend's sister used to work there and thats what she told us they do with them
They dump them into the ocean!
they turn them into filet o fish and chicken sandwiches
ronald mcdonald eats them and poops out new toys
They are sold on flea markets
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