Liberal logic or lack there of is the cause that and not getting to keep their happy meal toy as a kid
Clearly the parents. This is just an attempt of parents to blame others (McDonalds) for their parenting failures.
You can easily take that little booger to Subway and put a cookie in his hand and he/she will forget about that toy. Denial is what causes a parent to believe McDonalds is stronger. Refusing to admit that they are failing as a parent, and that they can't look after whats best for their baby, like their health. It's a shame to our justice system when companies can face lawsuits like this.
I hope McDonalds does not settle in ANY way. And go for blood.What causes somebody to believe Mcdonalds is more powerful than a parent?
The parents have the final say so, but don't fool yourself into thinking that every aspect of a visit to McDonald's hasn't been engineered to elicit a response.
The colors on the walls are no accident, it was studied and determined to be effective.
The numerical meal selection didn't just appear.
McDonald's is within its rights to do all these things and more to create an atmosphere and image that fosters good business. Good food at a fair price. That's America and free enterprise. Fine and dandy.
Just don't ever forget it's not a fair fight between parents who have to be everything to kids and a major corporation who can and does target kids as lifetime customers of a potentially harmful product.
Think Joe Camel. Or at least just think, Mickey Ds is a treat not a staple.
It's a free country and a free market so what McDonald's provides is okay. It only becomes a problem when people eat too much of it. It's okay to have a burger from time to time. The parents should be more responsible and monitor what their child is eating. Unfortunately, McDonald's food is cheap and easy. If you really want to look into it I suggest watching "Food Inc." you will then understand why it's cheaper to eat at McDonald's than it is to buy fresh/healthy fruits and vegetables. The government subsidizes the unhealthy products used in Fast Food so that it can be sold cheaper than it is to grow/create the products. So, if you want to blame someone besides the parents, look no further than the government. I mean really, businesses are there to make profit and if you forget that, it's your fault...but the government is supposed to be there to help the people and clearly they are not in this instance.
It's the parent's responsibility, McDonald's is just a business. A few years ago I saw a poor 8 year old that weighed almost 200 pounds (talk show). How pathetic of the parents...
"British social workers decided on Tuesday to allow an eight-year-old boy who weighs almost 200 lb (90 kg) to remain at home with his mother, even though she has refused to stop feeding him junk food."
She should be put in jail for child abuse.
Parents who don't cook for their children and parents who basically allow their kids to vegetate. We ate just as much junk growing up. But after we finished our homework, on the weekends, and during the summer we were outside running around and playing and burning it all off.
It is true that children come in all shapes and sizes, but when you have kids with type 2 diabetes, kids who can't even walk or run a block without wheezing there is a problem, and generally it's with parents who aren't parenting.
Parents for bad choices and McDonalds for enticing people to buy, however we all already know that companies would do this anyway.
No one is forcing someone to stuff a mcdonalds burger down the kids throat, so ultimately the parents.
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