Monday, March 12, 2012

Do you remember any toy from a McDonalds Happy Meal? WHat was it?

You'd get these parts of Snoopy in different clothes and I really liked those. I used to make my dad go with me to McDonald's and buy a Happy Meal even if I wasn't hungry. xDDo you remember any toy from a McDonalds Happy Meal? WHat was it?
Yes it was a crappy little truck thingy and it was metal and I dropped it on my foot and it hurt q-q D:
The two I remember the most were Mighty Morphin Power Ranger toys that came with zords. I also remember these wildlife animal toys.Do you remember any toy from a McDonalds Happy Meal? WHat was it?
I remember when the girl and boy toys were seperate....but I remember the My Little Ponies :-D
The Simpsons characters, Barbie, Beenie Babies.
Beanie Babies , Carebears , My Little Ponies
Mister men toys which could be turned inside out to make another mister man :)
hot wheels cars in the 80's
your face is so fuc*ed up
i loved the hotwheels cars they gave.

but i hated the stickers you had to put on
ur mom.
yes it was a my little pony(:

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