Friday, March 9, 2012

Why are they advertising life insurance and sell-gold commercials on kids' cartoons?

I'm watching He-Man and She-Ra cartoons on the RTV network (Detroit channel 7.2) right now, and I watch "Heathcliff" and "Inspector Gadget" on the THIS-TV network (Detroit channel 4.2) every weekday morning before school. Why do they advertise life insurance, sell-gold-for-cash, and other junk that kids would have no interest in? What ever happened to toys, cereal, and McDonalds commercials during cartoons?Why are they advertising life insurance and sell-gold commercials on kids' cartoons?
Lots of adults watch cartoons for various reasons, and it's the adults the advertisers need to connect with because they're the ones with any money. (Or a lack of money in the case of sell-gold commercials - that's also why they advertise tech schools and whatnot at that time.)

At least they're not advertising Cialis.
The advertising is aimed at the parents / grandparents of children who watch the children who are watching the shows. All advertising is aimed at the people who buy things, not the people who want things. Children may desire the toys, but decision to purchase starts and stops with the parents.Why are they advertising life insurance and sell-gold commercials on kids' cartoons?
im not really sure but i think its because their just plain stupid or maybe they think the kids will drag there parents to the couch and make them watch it with them i dont know either way i think its stupid!!!!!!! =^_^=

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