I wish they would do a better menu for them at a better price. As for the toys, I either throw them away or give them away
They should give TVs and game boysShould McDonalds and BurgerKing give kids better free gifts?
no healthy food would be better
What do you expect from free gifts.
no they should give us grown up kids a gift not just the wee littl ones. im tired of the kid toys i want an adult toy now. i am 26 and i still love toys, i will never fully grow up and become a zombie of socity, and i will continue to spell incorrectly just to see people squir as they reed my answers yahooooooo, lol. but they should make toys for us grown folks too.
yeah considering they are condemning them to a life of bad skin and obesity I think a better toy is the least they could do. I;ve never had to bring my kid into one yet as he is only child at moment so I'm dreading the moment peer pressure forces him to conform to this mode of entertainment. Its sheer bribery those toys - good luck, maybe bring some of the kids own toys in there when you go.
You've heard the saying.... "There's no such thing as a free lunch"
These toys are not "free" we pay for them in the price of the food. If they included better quality toys they would have to charge more for the food. that's not really fair to people who don't want the toys.
拢1.99 for a meal and a toy is pretty good. I don't think you could go buy a 拢1.99 toy from a toy shop and get a burger, fries and drink thrown in for free.
How about a cholesterol testing kit? Or blood sugar monitor for after that milk shake!
Better food would be more appropriate!
(not including the Sausage and egg Mcmuffin and Hash Browns!)
Like kiddy sized pacemakers?
They should give out free guides on cholesterol screenings, heart palpultations, diabetes, obesity, trans fats, etc....
I feel they should discontinue the free gifts that way it may dissuade kids from wanting fast food. A more substantial meal could then be had, in turn helping to reduce the rapidly increasing obesity problem we have
How about better food?
I hope those toys aren't being made by children in the far east!
No, they should give kids better food.
they should give kids a differnt snack instead you go there to eat not get toys. if so toys r us would be in the fast food joint
How about the gift of nutrition?
Honestly why are you more concerned about a screaming kid when the toy breaks rather than safety if they swallow a piece?
Yep, they should give them colestrol meters, or pace makers.
Kids look forward to most stuff. If you tell them we are going to the park to sit down, have a decent homemade picnic, and then kick a ball about., they would be more happy.
It simple really, if you know the products are rubbish, why go back ?
edible food would be a good place to start
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