Since the libs in Sanfransissyco have passed a law outlawing toys in Happy Meals unless the meals meet with the liberal definition of "healthy", it seems to me that McDonalds should sell the meals without toys and then offer the toys to every purchaser of a Happy Meal for one cent. That solves the problem of the government telling us what to eat "or else Johnny doesn't get his toy".What do you think of my Happy Meal solution?
I think if I had a McDonald's franchise in SAn Fran that is exactly what I would do!
Sounds good to me.
Whatever happened to parents saying "No" if they don't want their kids to have something like that? Holy crap, I told my kids no so many times when they asked for stuff that I didn't think was good for them. Believe it or not, they weren't warped and they don't hate me for it now that they're grown.What do you think of my Happy Meal solution?
What exactly is ""the liberal definition of "healthy"" ? Is there a conservative version of healthy that includes lots of saturated fats? Why has it never been published?
You have a blockbuster health plan and just leave it unpublished!
lol...typical liberal take away the toy and allow the unhealthy it is ok to sell the food to kids but not give them a toy also?...lmao/...does this mean no lolly pop at the doctors office any more also?......can I sue all those homes for handing out candy on halloween?
That sounds like a reasonable solution. The best solution is to rid government of all liberals bent on creating a nanny state.
i like it Jack! there will always be parents who feed their kids crap, if at home or at a fast-food joint, but lets let them make the call. depriving a kid of even a cheap toy seems unnecessarily punitive.
I don't care. Feed your kid hormone injected beef patties, french fries and soda so you can get your lead painted, made in China plastic toy. At least with your mouth full, you'll shut up.
That would work ,taking toy's away from kids not a way to endear your self to Mom's an Dad's across America.Seems liberals never learn to mind there own business.
*makes a fist and makes that quit-jacking-yourself-off gesture*
When kis was a kid we went to Mcdoanlds once a week.
I weigh MUCH more now and i havent been to mcdonalds in years.
It's pure ignorance.
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