Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Now that 0bama has banned toys at McDonalds will he ban the playgrounds there next?

Those playgrounds at McDonalds might attract childrenNow that 0bama has banned toys at McDonalds will he ban the playgrounds there next?
Tea bagger questions get dumber by the day.
Obama didn't have anything to do with it but Michelle did....Efforts to trim high calorie food from children's plates have been made all over the nation, most recently in a campaign led by first lady Michelle Obama.( Govt is just riding on her coat tails) I realize 1 in 3 children are over weight, but where does it say that the govt can dictate what foods my child can have , or anyone else in fact... This is America, we are supposed to have the freedoms to choose...And if lil Johnny down the street is over weight from eating at McDonald's, don't blame my kids for it and take their right away... blame the parents for allowing it.. Its up to the parents to maintain healthy eating styles not the govt.... I personally don't eat at McDonald's ( and Ive worked there) I just think their food is gross.. Playgrounds have nothing to do with it.. because they dont get FAT from using them.. if anything its EXCERSIZE... Im just saying....Now that 0bama has banned toys at McDonalds will he ban the playgrounds there next?
Are you seriously stoned enough to believe the Obama is worrying about happy meals in the midst of a power shift in the House, horrible unemployment, economic collapse, and growing discontent among Americans? In fact, do you think ANY President has time to worry about happy meals? Seriously? This ban was approved by the San Francisco city council- it wasn't even the state of California, let alone the federal government. Why don't you go vote for Prop 19 a few more times and stop trying to think- it obviously isn't working too well for you. But weed is harmless, right?
The President has never done such a thing. Stop lying but then you may go to Confession and all is forgiven. How convenient.

In my area McDonalds have done away with Playgrounds. Parents (ab)used them as Babysitters

and when their Children got hurt, sued the Facility. I am glad they are gone. I like to eat my food

in quiet.
I can see that happening except maybe the playground are good for exercise.

Seeing that the liberals started the ban maybe the government does have to help them parent their kids. IMO people shouldn't have kids if they need the government to parent for them. parents need to learn to say NO.
I didn't know Obama was on the San Francisco' Board of Supervisors.

You might want to read the article before you spout off.

It wasn't Obama (not that I wouldn't LOVE to blame this on him too...but)...it was the legislation in San Francisco. Just yet another reason the government needs to be smaller instead of becoming more of a socialistic government.
Obama didn't another Fox talking point. If Obama did that it would be across the Country
Obamass didn't. San Fran did. In San Fran pot = good, toys = bad. Tells you something about the place, doesn't it.
he didnt but he probably wouldve if he had a say in it

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