Saturday, March 3, 2012

Does your kitty hide things in your shoes?

Mine will hide rubber bouncy balls, hairties, mcdonalds toys, inkpens, screwdrivers, markers, stuffed mice toys, and milk jug rings in my shoes.

When he was little he'd sleep in them. He was a kitten we rescued from the michigan winter storms in December and he is just a bit odd. I've asked co-workers about their cats odd habits and they have no idea about why Skeet does this. Any Ideas?Does your kitty hide things in your shoes?
All animals hide things to keep them from other animals (especially animals who have lived in the wild) such as hiding dinner from other predators. Since he slept in your shoes adn this habbit was obviously not prevented he thinks shoes are his home. As long as he's not hurting nothing I don't see where it'd be a problem. It sounds very cute lol. Good to hear an animal got a good home.
Yes,because my cat is scared from the toy robot.Does your kitty hide things in your shoes?
no but my kid does that lol maybe ur cat is used to scavenging things for heat
My cat has never done this. She pretty much has no interaction with my stuf except to sleep on it.

maybe he's bringing you gifts?
My cat used to put his little mouse toys in my shoes. I thought that he was either trying to leave me gifts or maybe he enjoyed the struggle of trying to retrieve the toys. He grew out of it after the kitten stage though....

Maybe since Skeet slept in the shoes he feels most comfortable putting his little treasures there.....

Sounds like an interesting cat :)
Oh... its just a play thing for them and they love to play like hide and seek...

Only today, my kitten just took one of her rings and bury in the litter, like a dog..

I just take it that she wants to go to toilet and had the ring in the mouth. and forgot about it and left it there.

So don't worry about treasures in the shoes.

This is another thing to consider..

If outdoor cat just be careful she doesn't bring the presents to you in the shoes.

Something to do with the smell of shoes as well.

Believe me, she loves you very much...

Lucky you!!!

All those present she gave you...!!!
Don't worry, he's normal! Mine do it, too. I'm not sure why, though. Maybe he likes them because they smell like you and help him not feel lonely? Or he wants to let you know he wants to play so he puts his toys where he knows you will find them as a hint?
My cat did this to my dad. he would put a toy mouse and somehow push it way down to the toe. Rushing in the morning my dad would slip on his shoe and feel something furry - curse words would ensue.

All cats are highly adorable in their own unique ways, sometimes misunderstood by us, but consider each token a gift of appreciation that you cat wants to make sure you get - or perhaps Skeet is just keep - safe keeping treasures. Who really knows! I know one thing though, humans cant understand them, but cant live without cats!
My cat loves my shoes. I don't know what it is but I have one that will stick his head in my shoe after I have worn it and he will roll his face in it as if its catnip. I have one who hides ball in my coat pocket all the time. She is 2 years old and doesn't want the kittens to have her super balls. I have found as my as 7 balls in my pocket. Can you imagine you reach in your pocket for something and out bounces a ball. They love to hide there toys. I had a cat who would empty my purse and then sleep in it. I finally gave up and gave him the bag, then he didn't want it. Figure that one out.
I think it's cute and shows how smart your kitty really is. Many times I've put my foot in my shoe only to find a fur mouse in the toe. My cat will put her fur mice in the laundry, too. My husband takes his shirts to a laundry/cleaners to have them done and one time a toy mouse fell out and the ladies behind the counter screamed. The next time he took his shirts in he brought the cat along to show them how the mouse got there. I can't leave anything small where the cat can get it, meaning it's either in a drawer or gone. Even small tools are carried away. One cat had a "stash" under the coffee table. They're just so funny! I guess the moral of the story is: If you don't like the cat messing with your stuff you have to put it away.
Your shoes have your scent and your cat thinks you're the cat's meow! You saved him and he loves you and wants to always be near you by being close to your scent when you're not there.

Your cat is also showing you what a mighty hunter he is and is sharing his trophy catches with his best friend. You're a lucky person to have such a great companion!
My cat who was an indoor outdoor cat used to bring me treasures on my front porch.. imagine this if you will one morning being a tad late for work, you step out onto your porch only to find 5 dead mice lined up in a row with your cat sitting next to them with this sorta weird look of are you proud of me ?? Look what I caught you kind of thing. So I personally think it's your pets way of saying I will take care of you, or this is for you type of thing.
My cat does this as well. I think the cat like the smell of your shoe. After all you've been walking on some interesting things that the cat doesn't normally get to smell. And the cat puts the toys in the shoes so the toys will smell also. At least that's what I'm come to the conclusion of.
I live in Oregon and the worse thing that my cat Bella has brought to me was a bat she caught in the attic. I have also found war momentos outside my front door.

My one cat Bella likes to drag my dirty laundry in to the living room while I am at work. I have come home with a friend and found a couple pairs of underwear laying on my floor, and they were the grammy looking panties not the pretty ones.

Both of my cats like to chase the laser beam from my pointer. I have spent many a evenings watching them try to walk up a wall.
Lol! My kitty leaves all sorts of things in my shoes... otherwise he puts his toys in either the food dish or water dish. Sometimes he'll drop a mousey in the water dish THEN put the soggy thing in my shoe! It gets em all wet.
My cat never put anything inside my shoes but she has some other odd habits: she likes to lick the ashes off the fireplace tools...! In the morning, when I get up and go brush my teeth and make my breakfast, she follows me everywhere like a shadow. Sometimes, she's half awake because she was sound asleep when I woke up but she will still get up and follow me.

She's always just standing next to the door each time I come home (and again sometimes half awake because she was sleeping a minute ago).

In fact, the older she gets, the more routines she adds like she only eats when I'm in the kitchen.
one of my cats would hide hair ties in my sneakers.
My cat picks up flowers in her teeth and brings them to me
LOL you should buy him a toy chest. Maybe he needs something to put his things in and the only thing is your shoes.
My cats do this sometimes. My mom read somewhere that when they do this its like they're leaving a present for you. My one cat once left a dead bug in my mom's sneaker after he killed it (ewwwww). I think it was kind of a "Look what I did Ma!" thing LOL

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