I think it's a bogus lawsuit and hope that she gets fined accordingly. That would be like us suing Dunkin Donuts or Hershey's Chocolates, for advertising their products.What do you think of consumer group suing McDonald's for the Happy meal toys which lures the children?
Bunch of idiots. What will they do next, sue cereal companies because of the toys they put in their boxes or that they have too much sugar on the cereal. Or sue Cracker Jacks company for putting little 'prizes' in their boxes. McDonald's does offer some healthy choices nowadays. It's up to the parents to not get their kids McDonald's everyday. And what about Sonic,Wendy's and Burger King etc. Don't they give toys with their kids meals. If they get away with suing McDonald's, it would be endless on what or who else they would try to sue for.
People and committees have to think up things to change
so it looks like they've been busy at their job cleaning up
America. Government is getting it's nose too deep into
the citizen's lives now-a-days telling us what we can eat,
what toy can't be included in happy meals (I guess now
they'll have to be called "unhappy meals"); words we can't
say (freedom of speech?); decorations we can't put out
anymore (which was A-ok for a hundred years); trying to
shut down radio programs they don't agree with, etc. I
think they surely have more important things to be doing.What do you think of consumer group suing McDonald's for the Happy meal toys which lures the children?
I think it sends a Big Greedy Companie the right message. Quit marketing your filth to our children. Sure, the parents are the ones buying the crap for them, but the company is enticing them to eat it. They spend billions of dollars every year on marketing, much of which is focused on children. Its poison with food wrapped around it.
propaganda on children, repubs. have no morals, they just pretend to have them, it works for them, they learned it all from watching too much pretend T.V., cheap actors on a merry go round
Ours will be the first civilization destroyed by its run amok legal system. Stupid lawsuits will soon paralyze our government and our economy, and will result in anarchy and chaos. Alas, Babylon!
Just another Liberal group wanting to break, shut down or run business out of the Country. No wonder all the jobs have left the U.S.. No wonder Business and our jobs are being relocated overseas.
I think the Cops need to investigate how all of these children are able to steal their mommy's car keys and $ and drive to Mickey-Ds to buy happy meals
Its stupid. If you can't control what your own kids eat, you shouldn't be a parent. The group should be suing those parents for being so dumb.
parents shouldn't take their kids to McDonald's if they don't want them to become obese. its NOT McDonald's fault.
Consumer group? Try city of san francisco..... Big nanny state government.
The one in Michigan? The mother is just trying to get money or notoriety. It won't go anywhere because it's retarded.
Parents shouldnt be able to sue others for their lack of parenting skills.
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